January 27, 2013
Got up and dog walked - another beautiful day in Miami!! Discussed today's "to-do" list, which is basically finalizing provisioning (in hopes to cross over to the Bahamas soon!). Last night, a local fisherman gave us some slipper lobsters - perfect for today's lunch on the grill! Like these even better than the "Spiny Lobsters" (plus the price was better!) After lunch, Daniel and I walked over to the local Publix supermarket, and did our gathering of some fresh produce and a couple of things we ran out of, then stocked up on some more beer. Really want to load that up rather than spending a fortune on it over in the Bahamas. Last we checked, a case of Miller Lite over there was somewhere around $50! Every last corner and open space on this boat will therefore hold all the beer we can carry!!! Leaving the store, we got across the parking lot to the sidewalk, where the wheel on my pull-cart proceeded to break. Just wonderful! Thank God I had Daniel with me! He turned into my pack horse for the trip home - pulling the beer cart with one hand, he hoisted my grocery bag up with the other and threw it over his shoulder and carried it all the way back to the boat! Whew! That called for a Gatorade when we got back!! Got all the groceries stowed, and stuck a london broil in a marinade for tonight's dinner. Got some laundry done on the stern while the "boyz" were doing some boat maintenance. Had some chow and watched a movie, then called it a day.
January 28, 2013
Arose to another beautiful Miami morning. I walked back up to Publix for a couple of overlooked items, while Matt and Danny rode the bikes over to a nearby West Marine for a few necessaries. Unfortunately, one of the "necessaries" wasn't in stock at that West Marine, so when they came back, they had lunch, then pedaled themselves over to the other West Marine to purchase a new radio antenna. Came back and installed it - and we now (happily) have both radios working as they should! All's going well - now if the dang weather would just cooperate! We may have a chance to go on Thursday, but if the seas are still bad, that may get postponed. Oh well - we've got everything we really need here, and it's not toooo expensive, so we'll just wait for the right time. There's also an anchorage nearby here, so we might go out for a night or two to cut back on expenses - we'll see.
January 29, 2013
Continuing on the great Miami day. . . . did another bike trip to West Marine today and picked up a new horn (so Matt can be loud again!). Got that installed (works great!). Did some fixing of snap thingies for our eisenglass, and some general boat stuff. That was about it. Ate on board today - leftovers for lunch, homemade gyros for dinner. Yep - still roughing it!
January 30, 2013
OK - one more bike trip over to West Marine this morning. . . . Daniel and I rode over and bought spare fuel cans - one diesel (in case we have to put in new fuel filters and prime them) and one gas (in case we have excessive dinghy use and run low on fuel). Got them back, then went over and pumped out the holding tank and filled up our new fuel cans, then took off outta Keystone Point Marina by about 10:30. Got over to Miami Beach Marina 11 miles later about 12:45 (got stuck waiting at the Venetian Causeway Bridge for half an hour to get an opening). Tied up there and got all sorts of stuff done. . . . Went to lunch at the Tiki Bar first, then Matt and Daniel walked off to the Publix to stock up on beer (brought back mega cases!!!). I stayed at the boat and got a couple of loads of laundry done and scrubbed the yucky decks. Walked and washed the dog too! Trying for some wifi here at the Marina to attempt a last update on my log before we're moving into spotty service over in the Bahamas. Having slow issues with it - we'll see. Gonna get a final fill on our water tanks tonight to prepare for leaving - if we have to fill up over there it could cost us up to $75 to do it! Tonight will be our last "real" showers - moving into a world of salt water washing and a quick fresh water rinse (unless we find marina showers available). Major conservation coming up! But that's fine! Can't wait! Hope to update again soon - will do it when I can. Hopeful for hotspots over there, but ya never know!
January 31, 2013
Left Miami right on schedule this morning at 7 a.m., and headed east for about 43 miles - tied up at the Big Game Fishing Club marina at 1 in the afternoon. Slightly rough coming across, but not too bad - we've definitely goon thru worse!! Matt checked us through Customs - so watch out Bahamas! The Marvins have arrived!!!!!
Can't believe I found WiFi at the very first marina we reached! I'm gonna try to take advantage of every internet opportunity and keep my log updated - don't know how sporadic that will be, but I'll do my best!!!
Had dinner at the marina's restaurant - we all had conch. Conch chowder, absolutely loaded with conch meat, and cracked conch. Got completely stuffed - brought home enough leftovers to feed us all another meal tomorrow. This place has cable TV hookups, too. Actually sat and watched the tube tonight.
February 1, 2013 Got up and had breakfast at the marina's restaurant - over ate again! Think I'll do breakfast on board tomorrow. . . Checked the weather, and the front that's arrived is due to stay a couple of days, with some constant north winds around 15 to 20 knots, and somewhat yucky seas (5+ feet). No need to venture forth in that crap! Monday sounds much more reasonable - east winds 10 knots or less, and seas only around 2 to 3 feet. Soooo. . . . we'll just have to hang out at Bimini 'till then. Guess we'll be attending the Super Bowl party here at the marina! (Go Ravens!!)
Took Sailor for a walk on Radio Beach - Daniel and I were there yesterday, and brought back some conch shells.
On our way back to the boat, spotted a Taxi - stopped and asked the driver if he knew where "Star's" place was. Been trying to find it since yesterday - Matt had found something on the internet that said we should go eat some lobster there. No one else we've asked has known where it was - of course the cabbie did! Went there - a 2 story blue building with a star on the front (of course!). Asked the gentleman sitting out front if that was the place, and he introduced himself as Star himself! Invited us to follow him to the back of the building, and there was a little bar and a rather run down deck. Discussed dinner - left it up to us, so we decided we'd come Saturday night about 6 for lobster and "a good meal" at Star's discretion. We had a beer and chatted with him for a while before heading back to the boat. The boyz did some fishing, and I made some creme brulee for later tonight.
February 2, 2013
Had made a date with a local fishing guide, Sammy, to go out today and try for some "big" fish. Unfortunately, he wasn't feeling well so that didn't come off. Did some walking around "town" today, and stopped into a few local shops. Little tiny places, Daniel and I went into some together - good thing there weren't many people around, 'cause nobody else would have fit in the store at the same time!! Later on, it was time for our big dinner date at Star's place. Walked on down there, and it was just the 3 of us plus Toby (a pilot we had met at the marina) for dinner. We had told him about it, so he had gone down yesterday and talked to Star too. And what a fabulous dinner it was!!! 2 lobsters each - just the tails, that is, as that's pretty much all there is to a Spiny Lobster that's worth eating - plus baked potatoes and salad. That and a few Kaliks (Bahamian beer), and we were eating like royalty! All personally taken care of right in front of us by Star himself! It was terrific - sooo glad we found this place! Headed on back later, stuffed once more. Ran into Sammy - he promised to see us at the boat at 8 tomorrow morning. Looking forward to the big day - first great fishing, then great football (Super Bowl - GO RAVENS!!!).