Captain Matt
Captain Colleen
Home Port: Island Heights, New Jersey
We currently own a 42 foot yacht - specifically a Krogen Silhouette - named "Gemini Dream". In case you're curious, we're both Geminis and our boat is our "Dream". Our last boat, picured on our home page (because the photo was way too good not to use!) was a 36 foot Monk Trawler. Absolutely adored that boat, but as we will be living aboard for about a year, the spaciousness of the Silhouette will be much appreciated!
We're members of the Toms River Yacht Club (TRYC), in Toms River, New Jersey, and the American Great Loop Cruising Association (AGLCA). We are both U.S. Coast Guard licensed Captains ("Masters" for those of you familiar with licensing), with combined boating experience of 60+ years.
Retired from Federal Service in June, 2011, we now have the time we've worked so hard to achieve to do exactly what we want to do! So, beginning in June of 2012, our intent is to complete the "Great Loop" (a.k.a. the Great Circle). In quick summary, this journey will lead us north from the Toms River, to the Hudson River, westward through the Great Lakes, then south down the Mississippi River. Once we pop out in the Gulf of Mexico, we'll take a while to enjoy New Orleans, then head east for Florida. Down and around Florida, we'll pop over to the islands for a while, then back to the United States' east coast and head north to return home. Technically speaking, we will actually complete the Loop once we reach Florida's west coast, as we picked up our new boat in Clearwater and cruised home to NJ from there. We've also previously cruised our Trawler north up the Hudson, and south to the Florida Keys, so we're pretty familiar with the east coast.
We're expecting this adventure to take approximately 12 months - give or take, depending on how long we choose to stay at various places along the way. We're looking forward to receiving friends/family as guests here and there en route. "We" (read "Colleen") plan to document the entire trip - with recommendations, "do's and don'ts", commentary and pictures - on this web site so that we can share our experiences (and let family and friends keep tabs on us while we're away!). By the time we actually embark on this journey, the planning of it will have been on-going for more than 3 years - we're hoping it pays off!
