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February 10, 2013
Went for a (long) walk this morning. . . up to the bridges where we checked out all the little eateries under the end - conch galore!!! All the locals seem to hang out here. Continued on past the bridges, along the beach at Nassau, eventually finding our way into downtown Nassau and the super-touristy section near the Cruise ships - there are 5 ships docked today, so TONS of people everywhere! Ventured thru the famous Straw Market, then continued on passing Junkanoo Beach, and went all the way to the "Fish Fry". This is a collection of small eateries (again with tons of conch to be found). Had lunch there - conch salad prepared right in front of us. Wow - was it fantastic!!! Continued on thru the eateries when we were done with the first one and found some conch fritters at another. Stuffed again! Though it was a really long walk (thinking maybe 3 or 4 miles), lunch made it all worth while!! Chose to take a taxi back to the marina.
February 11, 2013
Yesterday's cab driver recommended MacKenzie's by the bridge for conch salad, so off we went today in search of a yummy lunch. And yummy it was indeed! That was a great one! Talked to the owner/chef there, asking where we might buy some lobsters to cook on the boat. He told us the only place around was Montague's - about a half mile past the marina where we were docked. So - the boyz walked in one direction to go back to the straw market to make a purchase, and I walked back to the marina, then onward to find Montague Beach, which was more like a mile past the marina rather than half a mile. There were several small stands set up in the parking lot, selling fresh conch and fish. I was told the last stand, so I went down there and inquired as to finding some lobsters. I hadn't noticed all the coolers 'till the guy went over to them and said "sure, we can set you right up, mon!". Told him I was feeding 3, and he picked out 3 BIG lobsters and said "forty bucks". That was $40 very well spent! Delicious!!!!!
February 12, 2013
OK - enough of Nassau, time to move along. Fueled up (yikes! $5.25 per gallon!), and left about 9:15. Cruised about 43 miles today, then anchored off of Norman Cay. It was a really bumpy ride today - I took some video trying to show what it felt like, but it doesn't quite show what it was really like.
Had a great lamb dinner aboard, then a movie before attemtping sleep (bumpy all night long!).
February 13, 2013
Left the bumps behind, pulling out at 9 a.m. Cruised 38 miles today to Staniel Cay. Anchored by Big Majors Spot about 2 this afternoon. This is a very neat place! Had fun watching the swimming pigs. They swim right up to dinghies approaching the beach, begging for handouts (and usually getting some!). There were a couple of small tour boats that came in loaded with tourists who fed the pigs - and a few brave ones even got in the water with them! They seemed friendly enough - I saw one of the tour guides in the water giving one a good back scratching. This is also the location of the "Thunderball Grotto" - featured in the James Bond movie of the same name. During slack tide, you can anchor your dinghy near the Grotto and snorkel into the cave. We dinghied near it, but the water was too rough and currents too strong for us to attempt the snorkel part, so we just got a couple of pics from the outside.
February 14, 2013
Happy Valentine's Day!!! We got up and thought we'd dinghy over to Staniel's Cay for a while since we're planning a short ride today. Unfortunately, the water was rough enough to dash those plans - we tried and got completely soaked! So much for the dinghy ride! We got back to the "mother ship" and dried off a little. Then hauled up the anchor and motored over closer to Staniel Cay, where we could anchor closer into shore - by "Happy People Marina" (no - I don't make up names!). A short (and dry) dinghy ride into the beach, where we had lunch at a little beachside restaurant before getting under way today. Finally departed Staniel Cay a little after 1:00 and motored on for a few hours, reaching Little Farmer's Cay about 4:30. We anchored just off shore, and Daniel and I took the dog in for a walk and to get the lay of the land. Found a local restaurant, the "Ocean Cabin", where we made dinner reservations. You must have reservations because they cook to order - you place your order when you make your reservations. So, a couple hours later, we walked in and had a scrumptious lobster dinner for Valentine's Day.
February 15, 2013
Left Little Farmer's at 8:30 this morning, heading for George Town. Covered 43 miles today, reaching George Town about 2 p.m. Very pretty here! We were hoping for either a mooring ball or a dock to tie up to, as there is some bad weather coming in, and we'd rather not have to worry too much about the heavy winds. This placed has hundreds of boats here - many folks like to winter here. Soooooo. . . . forget a mooring ball or decent marina slip - all taken because of the impending weather conditions. We were able to get onto a dock at the Exuma Yacht Club, though they are in the midst of renovations and we had no power or water hook ups here. Oh well, better than getting stuck anchoring - the wind is supposed to start shifting and increasing tonight, and staying yucky for the next few days. At least we're tied onto something solid for the duration! George Town is a very cool place - this will be a nice place to wait out the weather! Had dinner at the Yacht Club tonight - a bit pricey, but very delicious!!
February 16, 2013
Found a neat little general store, where we found some stuff we needed - some velcro to stick one of our ceiling panels back up, a new anchor pulpit roller to replace the one that broke when we lost our anchor, and a new big weight and wire leader so that we'll be properly prepared to catch that next really big fish! There's also a couple of quite well stocked grocery stores here - I actually found a bottle of my laundry detergent here! I've been looking for a particular brand for almost 2 months now! They also have a little straw market here that was fun to browse through. Went by dinghy over to Volleyball Beach for the afternoon's volleyball games. Got there about 5 minutes before a fast moving squall came rushing thru, which cancelled out volleyball. After the squall passed, we hung out at the beach for a while before heading back. Found out there there are caves nearby that are good for snorkeling - we'll come back and do that once this funky weather finishes up, hopefully by Monday or Tuesday. Back at the boat, had some of the wahoo we caught for dinner tonight. Delish once more!!! Oriental flavors tonight - soy, ginger and garlic, served with a wasabi-edamame puree and an oriental salad on the side. Yummy - did it again!!