March 24, 2013
It's Sunday - so off to Nippers we go. We were going to take the big boat and anchor
off Great Guana Cay to go there, but it was kind of rough, so we opted for the
ferry. Matt, Daniel and I, joined by
Dave and Dianne from Boot Scootin, all jumped on the first ferry - about 10:30,
which docked us at Great Guana about 11.
Took in the sights on the relatively short walk over to Nippers. Got up there, and were not disappointed! It's a wonderful beach bar, decent food,
beach access plus a couple of pools, music and a dance floor, and unbelievable
Bikini-clad sights! We had lunch and
drinks, dancing and beach walking, a LOT of
people watching, and just one super-fun day!
A rather exhausting day, all-in-all, so we were glad we just had to hop
back on the ferry to get home again.
Needless to say, a quiet night tonight!!
We did walk to a couple of local restaurants in search of an easy
dinner, and ended up at Curley Tails for some very enjoyable food.
March 25, 2013
We're spending a few days here at Marsh Harbour,
once more waiting for some weather to pass.
Matt went over to find the Immigration Office this morning to extend our
Visas (we've been here longer than expected due to all the crappy weather
delays). He went to where it was listed
on our local map - and was told it moved to the Government Dock. Went to the Gov't Dock, and was told it was
moved to the new Gov't Complex. Got
directions, went there, and hit sort of success - found the office, but could
only exten his own Visa - Daniel and I have to show up in person to do
ours. Oh well, we'll hit there tomorrow.
. . Today wasn't a lot going on, so we
moseyed on next door to Snappa's for some lunch. Saw their special today was XX Burgers (which
I've never had before), so we decided to try them out. Probably could have stayed aboard and had
peanut butter and jelly instead. I
ordered mine rare, Matt's medium. Mine
with provolone, his with American. Both
came out well done (destroyed!), both with provolone, both with bacon. The only thing rare about my burger was the
bacon (yuck!). Matt had a
margarita. Would have been better off
with the ones that come single-serve/pre-mixed.
So much for Snappas! Tonight's a
big treat for dinner though - Dave is coming over to pick us up (Boot Scootin
is anchored out just off the marina we are in) for dinner aboard their
boat. Grilled lobster tails coming
up!!! We get over there about 4 in the
afternoon, and were joined by Mike and Jean from Tomorrow's Dawn, and another
couple (newly met, I didn't catch their names) for cocktails. These folks return to their boats about
6-ish, and we settle in for the "good stuff" - excellently prepared,
we stuffed ourselves with grilled lobster, fried grouper, and roasted veggies. Dave and Dianne can cook for us anytime!!!!!!
March 26, 2013
Daniel and I head off to the Government Complex to extend
our Visas. Found it with no problem, and
it was empty when we arrived, so we were in and out in 15 minutes (whew!). Next stop is Maxwell's, the supermarket, for
a few things. We're on bikes, so we keep
it fairly light - each with a backpack, my bike basket full, and 1 pkg clamped
on the rear fender rack. I guess I
should get used to shopping like this, as I'll be heading home soon, where I
have no vehicle awaiting me! Get all
that done, and peddle back to the boat.
I guess it's provisioning day, so next up is the beer re-stocking. Found out there's a liquor store a couple of
blocks over that will deliver right to the boat (yeah!!). So off Matt & Daniel go to do the
"important shopping". Delivery
shows up about 45 minutes later, so now we're all set again for a while. After all that hard work, we walked over to
try out Mangoes next door for lunch (ain't going back to Snappas again!). Oh boy.
Should have opted for that PB&J again!!! Matt orders a "plain, original
daiquiri". Waitress puts in the
order. Bartender comes over and says
"what is it you ordered??".
Matt explains, AND lists the ingredients. Drinks are delivered. Matt's comment to the waitress is "I
don't know what the heck that is, but I guess I'll drink it." (I tasted it - it's a Mango Daiquiri.) Other bartender comes over to find out what's
up. Matt re-explained, and the bartender
says - no problem, I know exactly what you want. Whisks away the Mango drink and returns with
a plain Daiquiri. On to lunch. Their lunch special is a steak smothered in
mushrooms, onions and gravy. Matt places
his order - this confuses the waitress.
I point out on the menu the difference between the "entree" he
has ordered and the sandwich he did not order.
OK - understood. Lunch orders are
delivered to the kitchen. Mine
eventually comes out (island time, mon!), and it's fine. Same with Daniel's. Uh-oh - here comes Matt's; it's a sandwich! Meat's all sliced and smothered in cheese on
a roll, not a drop of gravy or a mushroom in sight! He pushes it away and said that's not what I
ordered, and proceeded to share Daniel's large pizza with him for lunch. The waitress that took our orders came over
and took one look at the sandwich and said "That is NOT what I wrote
down!". Apologized left and right,
bartender delivers another Daiquiri, and HE apologizes. We get thru everything, get the check, they
didn't charge for the screwed up steak order, and gave Matt his drinks for
free. I guess that kind of makes up for
it, but come on, can't anybody get an order straight around here!?!?!?!? So much for that - we'll have dinner on board
today! I defrosted a bunch of the conch
I bought at Maxwell's, and made a big batch of conch salad. Finally - an order done correctly!!!
March 27, 2013
Today's looking like our last day here - the seas sound like
they will allow us to pull out in the morning.
So we're going to fuel up today to be ready to go with nothing to hold
us up. Let the office know we want to do
that, and they say as soon as the boat on the fuel dock "wakes up"
and leaves we can get right in there. We
finally notice them going, and prepare to pull out of our slip - just as
another boat pulls in to the fuel dock. Figures. We wait for them a while, eventually hearing
some radio traffic that sounds like they're staying on the fuel dock. WTF???
The office knows we're waiting for fuel!! Matt goes up to check, and the office checks
with the dock attendant, who says - they are just walking over to the bakery to
pick up a birthday cake, then will be pulling out. OK. So
we wait again. The folks eventually come
back, carrying all sorts of groceries, a couple cases of beer, and who knows
what else (I didn't see no birthday cake!) - they call up to us as they walk by
that they're pulling out now, so we can get our fuel. Finally!
we pull out and putt over to the fuel dock, spin around in the other
boat's wake so we can tie up on our starboard side (where our fuel tanks are!),
and tie up to the dock. There's a
Sportfisher boat coming toward us, obviously P.O.'d that we pulled in "in
front of him". Ya know what? Tough Shit!
(sorry - but we've only been waiting ALL DAY!!!!!). Even the dockhand was chuckling over that
one. As we finished our fueling, he
asked me "don't you need to walk over to the bakery for a birthday
cake?". HaHa!! That helped!
Dinner tonight is gonna be yet another treat. Dave and Dianne are providing us with taxi
service once more, and we're all gonna meet Mike and Jean over at the Jib Room
across the harbor for bar-b-q dinner.
Tonight's a chicken and ribs night!
And a really yummy one, at that!
Then comes the after dinner treat - Limbo!! Lot's of
fun! Matt and I (with our wonderful
backs) opted to just watch, but Daniel got in there a little. Everything from 6 year olds to the resident
Limbo Champion (not sure of his age, but guessing 40's somewhere) are doing it. And after the Champion proved his worthiness
by going under the bar at it's lowest setting, he then wrapped the bar and set
it on fire - and got under that on "low" too! Amazing!!!
And LOTS of practice, I'm sure!
We were also entertained with some "Rake and Scrape" music,
with a couple of guys playing saws.
(Yes, saws - like you'd use to saw wood with!) Daniel got some of that action too. Terrific night!!!
March 28, 2013
Matt and Daniel had re-built our steering last week when we
arrived at Marsh Harbour, so we're thinking we're good to
go. We pull out at 9 to follow Boot
Scootin over to Green Turtle Cay.
Shortly into the trip, the auto-pilot goes wacko and won't do anything
but steer hard left. Not good. We turn around to go back to Marsh Harbour
to deal with that, anchoring about 9:30.
We have trouble getting the anchor to grab, so we make a couple of tries
at it. Finally get it stuck in the
bottom enough to hold us, but in the midst of this, the windlass (the electric
winch that hauls the anchor up) gives up.
Not good. But now the auto-pilot
seems happy again, so we'll deal with the windlass at the next marina. Unfortunately, that means hauling the anchor
up manually - which really sucks, considering we've got a 35 pound anchor
that's attached to 100 feet of chain!!!
Oh well, get it up and secured, and head back out of the harbor about
10:25. Not too far under way, now the
engine room bilge pump alarm goes off.
Normally not to big of a deal, at least when it shuts back off in a
short while. Water gets down in the
bilges as a matter of normal day-to-day cruising, and the bilge pumps pump it
out when the level hits their float switches.
Normal. Except we're sitting there for several
minutes, and the alarm does not go off.
Crap - what next? Man the life
boat? Gather important papers? No - shut off the motors, open the engine
room, see no water, so climb down to manually inspect the bilge pump. There's a small piece of gunked up hose (from
God only knows what!!) that's got the switch stuck. Remove the icky stuff, and the bilge pump
(and its alarm) shut off. OK - that's
the infamous 3! We're done now,
right??? Cripes! OK - deep breath. We pull into Man O War Cay, and find a
dock-and-dine dock to tie up to for free for a short while. We meet up with Dave and Dianne, who have
already located the Boat
Museum we all planned to
visit. It's only open on Thursday and
Saturday from 11 to 1. Today's
Thursday. They're locked up tight - a
local said she thought the curator had gone over to Marsh Harbor. You're only open 4 hours per week, and you
pick now to go on an excursion? What the
hell???? So much for the museum! Check out the restaurant at the Dock and
Dine. Way expensive. Thanks anyway, but we'll do lunch on board
and just continue on to the Green Turtle Club!
Off we go again, pulling out of Man O War at 11:45. Took some photos of the shores off in the
distance where forest (and other intentionally set) fires rage out of
control. You can smell the smoke in the
air. So far, no ones been hurt, but
they've had some close calls. I'm told
that in some areas they just don't have enough resources to be able to
adequately fight the fires. They've set
up some fire lines in areas, but the fires are enormous. We read in the news that one of them was
definitely arson - wiped out a school and some local buildings. The forest fires have taken out thousands of
acreage. Very sad to witness day after
day - it's been weeks now that we've been seeing and smelling the smoke. Boot Scootin was in just the wrong place at
one anchorage, and woke up to find their decks covered in ashes. Yuck.
Tied up at the GT Club at 3.
It's in White Sound at Green Turtle Cay.
Neat Marina
- they have a deal where you "eat and drink your dockage fee"! Basically, they charge $1.50 per foot per
night. So for the Gemini Dream, that's
$63/night. If you go to their restaurant
for drinks and/or food, and spend $63 dollars, your dockage is free. (Or if you only spend $60, then you still owe
$3 for dockage). So we try them out, and
join Dave and Dianne for a fabulous dinner!
Unfortunately, Matt tried to order the porkbelly, but they were
out. So he opted for a surf and turf (so
did Dave). Guess what? They're out of steak. (What is it with Matt and
Restaurants?????). We finally all settle
on some food they DO have - and have to admit, it was simply
outstanding!!! Dave and I both enjoyed
bouillabaisse to absolutely die for!!! I
figured I'd bring half of mine home, but that didn't happen! I can't believe I ate the whole thing!!!
March 29, 2013
Quiet day today, as it's Good Friday and just about
everything is closed around here but the Marinas. So Dave and Dianne suggest a dinghy ride over
to the Marina
across the harbour to check it out. Off
we go, and have Bloody Marys on the deck at the Bluff House. Very nice Marina!
Kind of a low key day today, caught up on some book reading - not much
exciting stuff to report today, sorry!
March 30, 2013
Arranged for a golf cart today (one with "good
springs", as there will be 5 of us in a 4-man cart!) to go and explore the
island. What a great trip this was! Most of it was focused in New Plymouth, an
historic settlement. The sights there
were wonderful, such a marvelous little town!
Toured the Lowe
Museum (tiny, but a nice
stop) and the local cemetery (cemeteries down here are quite different from
home!). We drove all over the island,
even getting back over to the other side again to visit the Bluff House's bar
again. Stopped for a bunch of photo ops
at the beautiful beaches, and pretty much saw everything around. A very good touring day!